Haylee Clare - Creator of Shadows of Light Oracle

Haylee Clare a mystic, a musician, a Yogini, a teacher and an eternal student of Life. She is the channel of the Shadows of Light Oracle, containing her own original artwork and writing. 

She started her spiritual path studying Taoism through the lens of Traditional Chinese Medicine at university at age 19. This led her to yoga and she learned to teach under 1:1 apprenticeship with her longterm teacher in Melbourne. 

Haylee is also a true Gypsy at heart. She spent many years in India, sitting with her teachers in India studying meditation, philosophy, Sanskrit & ritual. Haylee carries a Vedic altar and the wisdom drawn from 18 years of full devotion to the spiritual path & study of non-dual lineages such as Kashmiri Shaivism & Advaita Vedanta. 

In 2020 Haylee was living in Bali when Covid descended and stopped the planet. Her work as a yoga teacher, facilitating transformational retreats & teacher trainings dissolved and she was faced with an interesting predicament of how to sustain herself (and also what to focus her attention on in a time of such turmoil.)

The dream of creating an oracle deck had began to simmer in the background of her mind some months before, but it seemed like there would never be enough time to focus so deeply on it... until covid. A successful crowdfunding campaign gave her the funds to manifest the vision and the deck was created with full time focus from May 2020 > March 2021.

Haylee has been living in Asia since 2013 and is still based in Bali where she focusses her energy mostly on making music & offering retreats & trainings worldwide. Join the mailing list to find out more.